Mitch Jackson

Lawyer at 👔 Lawyer | 🚀 CEO x2 | 🤝 Mediator | 💼 Investor | 📚 Author x6

This week as a private mediator, I had the opportunity to help parties in multiple cases resolve web3 business disputes. Reflecting back on the week, I want to share the following with you. What I see over and over in the new web3 spaces are misunderstandings and disputes happening when one or all parties fail to: 1️⃣ Document the work or performance agreement with a digital or written contract; 2️⃣ Read the TOS agreement that controls either the platform or rights between the parties. ...





I love the work you're doing Mitch, phenomenal!

WOW, thanks so much Vontarius! It's been a fun and rewarding ride 😁