Glenn McCutchen

Co-founder at McCutchen Enterprises, LLC

Random thought of the day: I was scrolling earlier and came across a post by @Coachsadiq that stated "Confidently make mistakes". I agree with this comment because mistakes are inevitable. We are all going to make them, usually on a daily basis. However, in today's society, it is also hard to embrace this fact because most employers ask for perfection. They seem to have the mindset that we are robots rather than humans. This employer mindset has turned our society into a bunch that plays the blame game rather than owning their mistakes. When I was younger and first out in the workforce I started out with this mindset. Morally it didn't sit well with me, so I...

Thanks for sharing my message and adding your wise words and insights to it @Glenn McCutchen 😎👊🏽🙏 Apprecisate you :)