piyush sinha

UI/UX Designer at Morningstar

⏱️ How To Measure UX (https://lnkd.in/e5ueDtZY), a practical guide on how to use UX benchmarking, SUS, SUPR-Q, UMUX-LITE, CES to eliminate bias and gather statistically reliable results — with useful templates and resources. By Roman Videnov. Lately we’ve been speaking quite a bit about the need for designers to understand and speak the language of business. But I think that one missing bit is showing the impact of UX through the lens of team-wide design KPIs and UX metrics. Good design decisions are intentional. They aren’t guesses or personal preferences. They are deliberate and measurable. Over the last few years, I’ve started setting ups design KPIs in teams to inform and guide design...
