Irina Ionova

Customer Success Manager at InnMind

🚀 Paper Ventures Launches $25M Fund for Web3 Startups - Connect Now on InnMind! 💡 Let's start this week with good news for web3 startup founders: a new smart VC fund is officially live & fueling up early-stage projects and blockchain builders! The founding team are rock-stars! 👤Oliver Blakey, a former poker professional and co-founder of Ascensive Assets, is known for his expertise in game theory, which he applies to assist founders in launching native tokens. 👤Danish Chaudhry has a background in traditional finance with experience at Ernst & Young and BlackRock, and later founded FMFW.io. 👤Ivailo Jordanov is a successful entrepreneur involved with Altitude.fi and Deadalus...


Venture Capital

