
Just at work minding my own business. Some people also working and passing by asks me "how are you doing?" I reply "I'm fine". Their head whips back to me so quickly and they say "did you just say terrible." Hearing them say this makes me gasp but also laugh manically inside. So much I chuckle a bit in real life before saying "I said I was fine. But that is exactly the word I might have used if it was socially acceptable to just leak out your emotions to others." A little context is that throughout the week today I finally got on the right buses to get to work so I didn't have to call an Uber. But I was getting up earlier to ride the bus to save money, so I'm pretty tired. But the...

Paul LaCamera

Chief of Staff

I would like to work with you, please can you inbox me so that we can know more about ourselves before jumping into any other business