Mitch Jackson

Lawyer at 👔 Lawyer | 🚀 CEO x2 | 🤝 Mediator | 💼 Investor | 📚 Author x6

10 Unstoppable Traits of the Winning Mindset: How to Triumph in Life by Prioritizing Yourself 1/ Prioritize You: Understand that your mental and physical health are more important than any relationship or business deal. It's about putting yourself first. 2/ Action Over Perfection: Master the knack of always taking action without waiting for the stars to align. It's about making moves, not waiting for the perfect moment. 3/ Keep Your Cool: When someone's mistaken or lying, you just flash a smile and let it slide. It's about choosing peace over conflict and staying focused on the big picture. 4/ Under-the-Radar Joy: Realize life's awesome, even if you're not in the spotlight. It's about...
