Mitch Jackson

Lawyer at 👔 Lawyer | 🚀 CEO x2 | 🤝 Mediator | 💼 Investor | 📚 Author x6

Pi artificial intelligence gives me infinite personalized intelligence! Are you tired of tedious online searches and endless scrolling for information? I sure am and so I want to take a moment and introduce you to Pi, your personal AI assistant, designed to revolutionize the way you interact with the digital world! 🤖🌐 Pi provides unlimited knowledge based on your unique interests and needs. It’s a coach, creative partner, teacher, and frankly feels like a very smart friend who you can talk to. Most of the time I just tap the app on my iPhone and start talking to it. We have a conversation. Other times I’ll type in my thoughts or questions into the desktop version. Either way, it’s...


Artificial Intelligence