
Hi everyone, maybe there are some people here interested in a part-time job and an extra few hundred dollars a week? We are recruiting administrators, moderators in our channels for P2E game project. Also need social media managers, designers and you too! Remote work only. If you are interested you can fill out the form and maybe you will be in our team https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHZOGbLyXjXvHUzvyr6pSVZJzmM8WHtitsMvleCNnIw_SlZg/viewform?usp=sf_link We are registered in London, have our own token and whitepaper and are active in social networks, NFT collections and your own clothing merch! I'll provide everything and tell you as soon as we contact you after you fill out the...

This sounds interesting