Dhruv Sharma

Business Development Manager at Delhi Tempo Travellers

How can i go to Haridwar from Delhi? Here is how to go from Delhi to Haridwar in simple terms By Train- Many trains run daily between Delhi and Haridwar, taking 4 to 6 hours. Popular trains include the Shatabdi Express and Jan Shatabdi Express. You can purchase tickets through the IRCTC website or at train stations. By Bus- Regular buses travel from Delhi's Kashmere Gate ISBT to Haridwar. Buses with and without ac are available. The trek takes roughly 5 to 6 hours and is more reasonable. By Tempo Traveller- Delhi to Haridwar Tempo Traveller is a great option if you are traveling in a group Tempo Travellers are comfortable 12-16 seater vehicles. You can book them through travel agencies...

