14 d
Nainital to Kainchi Dham Distance The distance between Nainital to Kainchi Dham is approx. 17 km and it takes around 30 to 40 mins to reach by road. Nainital is one of the seven famous tals. There are some famous places that you can visit from Nainital and one of the them is Kainchi Dham Kainchi Dham is a spiritual ashram which is dedicated to Neem Karoli Baba. It is a major attraction for devotees. People from all around the world visit Kainchi dham, in order to seek the blessings from Neem Karoli baba who is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Hanuman. This beautiful ashram is located on the Kumaon Hills. You must visit Kainchi Dham if you are on a Nainital Tour as it allows you to...
