

Aliyah is a passionate entrepreneur who"s highly skilled in in design thinking, rapid prototyping, and drinking copious amounts of coffee. She may be young, but don"t let that fool you; during the pandemic Aliyah founded two startups and was recognized as a top 100 healthcare leader by the International Forum of Advancements in Healthcare! Aliyah has dedicated her life to eliminating chronic disease using behavioral science. She is the founder and CEO of Meditrina Technologies, an award winning startup using digital care to help people build healthier habits that prevent chronic disease, without having to disrupt their existing lives at work or home. She"s so passionate about her field that she has even crafted her studies around her entrepreneurial endeavor. A current senior at Virginia Commonwealth University, her BS in interdisciplinary studies give her focused expertise in biomedical engineering, health psychology, and entrepreneurship, as well as a minor in business and bachelor"s certificate in product innovation. Aliyah has launched her startup through the prestigious Founder Institute Silicon Valley cohort. No, she doesn"t have a life. But that"s okay - she loves what she does! In her fleeting spare time, she likes solving puzzles, tinkering with robots, belting to music when her roommates aren"t home, playing video games, and writing about herself in the third person on Entre.


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