Deeply driven by a desire to fight poverty and empower workers, David Baxter created the Blockchain Learning Center to help show people how they can use these new technologies for good in their personal lives, community organizations, and in many other aspects of our world. The goal will be to make learning these complicated topics simple for anyone of any age range, culture, and from all walks of life. David wants to change the world by changing the business community to one that significantly up levels how workers are treated and valued. David"s passion and drive for this mission comes from his own experiences with poverty and the lack of access to education that he experienced. He lived most of his adult life in poverty and is a self taught programmer. He has 10+ years experience in tech and left his Job as a Senior Front End Developer at Carvana to work towards something he felt would make more of an impact. David is now founding the Beanchain Coffee shop to be a worker directed cooperative that can give at least a few workers the taste of what it"s like to be respected, heard, and well compensated within an organization. After the first coffee shop is established, a coop model will be developed to help others open up worker directed Beanchain Coffee shops all over the world. David believes that many of the tools being built on Blockchain technology will be helpful for workers organizations like the Beanchain so in conjunction with the Beanchain we"re starting Blockchain Learning Center(BLC)! There will be a BLC in every Beanchain and in many community centers, libraries, and schools.