

Hi, I’m Samuel from Ghana and I’m a Frontend developer with 3+ years of professional experience in building web applications. I build cutting-edge, functional, scalable, optimized, and mobile responsive web application frontend. I put semantics first when building applications. With this, search engines find it easy to get information thus providing better search results. Proficient technologies and techniques I use are Django (Python), NextJS (React), Redux, GraphQL, JavaScript, Typescript, TailwindCSS, HTML/CSS, Git, Restful API, Agile Methodology, Scrum. You can reach me by cellphone on +233556087757 or email [email protected]. You can check me out on these platforms. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codingbrowny. Twitter: @codingbrowny Instagram: @codingbrowny


Software EngineerFrontend EngineerBackend Engineer



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