

Introduction Hello, I"m Connor McNeely, a multi-disciplinary engineer with a robust blend of experience spanning mechanical design, automation, quality engineering, and a spirited plunge into the realms of AI and machine learning. I’m an alumnus of Louisiana Tech University, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, and I have honed my skills across diverse sectors—from the rigor of John Deere to the innovation-driven environments at Pfizer. Professional Journey My professional quest began with a focus on mechanics and processes, where I delivered significant efficiencies through hands-on engineering and meticulous process optimization. This path has carved out a niche for me in automation, mechatronics, and quality assurance—crucial pillars in today’s manufacturing and production landscape. Alongside, I"ve also developed a profound knack for software engineering, amassing knowledge in various programming languages and tools which are the backbone of modern technological solutions. Passion for AI & ML The digital era beckoned, and I answered the call, diving into artificial intelligence and machine learning, driven by the desire to weave these transformative technologies into the fabric of business efficiency and innovation. My journey is punctuated with continuous learning through reputable platforms like Udemy, where I"ve completed courses in AI and machine learning, laying the groundwork for intelligent system design and data-driven decision-making. Entrepreneurial Aspirations Fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit, I"m actively engaging in building a community where like-minded individuals can share insights, explore collaborative opportunities, and push the boundaries of what"s possible. My vision is to steer this community towards the realization of ideas that resonate with the entrepreneurial zeal of our times, ultimately leading to the creation of a startup that stands at the intersection of engineering excellence and disruptive technology. Networking and Opportunity In the interconnected world of ENTRE, I aim to network passionately, exchanging ideas, seeking mentorships, and discovering opportunities that align with my skills in project management, SQL, PLC programming, and more. My aspiration is to find gigs that not only challenge my technical prowess but also enhance my entrepreneurial skill set. Offering to the Community To the ENTRE community, I bring a repository of knowledge in systems automation, design optimization, and the implementation of quality standards, coupled with a readiness to learn and adapt. Whether it"s navigating the intricacies of a new startup or contributing to a project that needs an experienced engineer with a fresh perspective on AI, I am here to add value and gain insights. Looking Forward As I navigate this journey, my goal is to synthesize the technical with the entrepreneurial, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence. Let’s connect, collaborate, and transform the blueprint of our professional endeavors into tangible success stories. Connect with Me I"m keen on connecting with professionals, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts who are navigating their own unique paths. Reach out to me to share your story, propose a project, or simply exchange ideas that could lead to our next big venture.


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