

My name is Cheri Regis! I’m the creative mind and superpower behind Cheri Regis Works, a creative business that designs, makes, and sells fine modern art and crafts for the entrepreneur, modernist, dreamer, innovator, disruptor, and non-conformist top of mind. I happily live, work, and play in Kansas City’s Northland region, which is just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Kansas City Metropolitan area north of the Missouri River, but you’ll pretty much find me everywhere and anywhere! I’m an emerging and aspiring multidisciplinary “artrepreneur”, with my artistic practice specializing in contemporary modern art and craft. My primary mediums that I practice are painting, drawing, fiber art, and handicrafts. If you"re looking to wake up your home and office walls and are in dire need of entrepreneurial eye candy, I"m your girl! FB: Cheri Regis Works IG: cheri_regis_works Pinterest: @originalcherbear


Aspiring EntrepreneurArtistStudent



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