Aquayemi-Claude Garnett Akinsanya has founded GCBR and TCSL Campaign. While, addressing to call to action for Systematic Change. In the importance call for Equity / DEI with Equal opportunities for all. Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range "For the Eccentric, Fashionable people which are in the World. For their Voice to be out there Heard among the Crowd." #signatureuniqueness Which mission and reason behind Clothing Brand is in aid of supporting the awareness for, The Claudes SEN Law Campaign know in short as "TCSL Campaign." We offer a number innovation projects such as the Action Zone Day, Podcast Zone Day, Safe Space Tuesday and Track of The Week some projects has been received well by the wider community. Including Campaign projects such as "The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. We have an Instagram Live and Podcast Interview opportunity which we offer. My name is Aquayemi-Claude from: London, Richmond Upon Thames, Surrey, England, United Kingdom. I am a 25 year old, "Student, Author, Activist in Reducing Inequality, Inclusion Rights and Quality Of Education. Also a Youth Delegate, Young Leader, Young Trustee, Youngo Member, Entrepreneur, CEO, Founder, Keynote Public Speaker and Philanthropist." Who has done projects and programs. Who created and founded a Non Profit Clothing Business: GCBR and TCSL Campaign, "Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range and The Claudes SEN Law Campaign." Instagram: @a_claude_2020 Twitter: @Iam_Claude25 Tiktok: @aquayemiakinsany3 YouTube: @TCSL2022 Business / Campaign Bio - The Claudes SEN Law Campaign ~ Mission is to deliver and execute "Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visable disabilities and the awareness of the #TheClaudesSENLaw Society judges an individual by its appearance and abilities. Let"s change the narrative. In uprooting the current system for an inclusive, diverse world with equal opportunities in addressing low efficiency of representation in government and society. Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range "For the Eccentric, Fashionable people which are in the World. For their Voice to be out there Heard among the Crowd." #signatureuniqueness Which mission and reason behind Clothing Brand is in aid of supporting the awareness for, The Claudes SEN Law Campaign know in short as "TCSL Campaign." We offer a number innovation projects such as the Action Zone Day, Podcast Zone Day, Safe Space Tuesday and Track of The Week some projects has been received well by the wider community. Including Campaign projects such as "The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. We have an Instagram Live and Podcast Interview opportunity which we offer. Student, Author, Activist, Entrepreneur, Influencer, CEO, Founder, Keynote Public Speaker, Director For The Women and Reduced Equalities Committee with YSDC, {2022 - 23} Contact point for Reducing Inequality & Inclusion Rights Working Group with Youngo and Philanthropist Organization: Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range and The Claudes SEN Law Campaign