

I"m starting a secular homeless Commune, green energy solutions depot, non alcoholic dance restaurant, and comics company geared towards creators legal rights issues, and teaching the homeless legalities on how to start their own independent comics companies, using both public domain characters, and their own created characters. our 33 month contract is exclusive. * we don"t do freelance, as of freelance not being legally able to unionize in the United States.* I"ve created 979 Superhero archetypes for the comic"s medium. we"ll be using non petroleum based plastics as simulated paper, packaging, collectibles, hydroponic Virtical farming solutions, graphene, noncrete, Geothermal, solar,wind, Tidal, plus battery storage options, combined with creating our own solid state batteries, for our all electric vehicles we"ll create for shipping. looking for investors, creatives, and like minded democratic socialists, who want to decisively help others, and be the multiple changes we all wish to see in the world today. ✨ social justice causes advocates. we intend to greenify the comics medium, an show how new technology can create environmentally friendly collectibles, without using paper, or oil base. it"s 33 percent net cheaper wholesale, to use green energy solutions, over the old implementations.


ArtistChief Creative OfficerGraphic Designer


ArtCharityDiversity/InclusionSocial ImpactWriting/Publishing

Looking For

Build community / Host eventsBuild a Team / Hire TalentStart a Business