Book Author | Content Creator | Strategic Partnership Lead | As an NFT artist without a title and fancy fine art degrees, I believe in making decisions that are based on a long-term vision and goal. This means considering the current situation and the desired outcome, and finding a way to bridge the two. My passion for the arts and my vision for the Web3 industry motivates me to lead people through my unique perspective. With an eye for innovation and a desire to create an impact, I strive to use my knowledge to shape the future of Web3 and AI industry. 我喜欢即兴表演开玩笑,逗身边的朋友家人笑就是享受做的事情,我也喜欢观赏自带情绪感动全场的演说家,内容不苟但听完希望可以带给我启发。我为人随和,容易融入任何社区,目前已和超过20个国家的人共事,破圈全是透过社交媒体,自己本身没什么旅游经验,梦想是代表国家出席各大NFT展览和峰会。追求刺激新鲜感已是日常生活的一部分,喜欢创造各种作品(混合媒体艺术),观赏其他艺术品和NFT也是日常。现在对自己作品比较有自信,由于是自学者,比较害怕展示自己的作品,但我现在想打破传统的观念,大学没有上艺术科系的人,可以透过后天自研学习和练习创作,因为人类从一出生就有艺术天赋,是被后天教育系统严重影响导致许多人认为自己根本没有创作细胞。 Follow me on LinkedIn for my latest posts and articles on AI and Web3 related topics.