

Your company is taking mental health care into the 21st century. You’re leaping technological hurdles, winning over investors, and attracting attention as your startup tackles one of our world"s most pressing concerns. You"re pioneering a whole new industry: mental health tech. But unlike startups in other industries, you can’t “move fast and break things” — not when people"s minds are at stake. Instead, you have to maintain both clinical and operational excellence. And the standard is highest where these two intersect publicly: in marketing communications. So what do you do when your company needs to gain market share and you need to make sure your messaging is clinically and strategically excellent? Mental health companies with a growth strategy add me to the team to develop industry-sound, authority-building marketing communications. I help you combine mental health insights and experience with top-notch communication skills to create content and concepts with impact. I help execs maintain a well-crafted LinkedIn presence. I write case studies, polish bios, and create client and clinician-facing assets. Wherever you need a bridge between "clinical" and "business", I jump right in. Reach out if you"d like to learn more about working together: [email protected].


WriterMarketerContent Creator


HealthFreelanceSocial Impact

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Meet new peopleBuild community / Host events