

My name is Melissa and I’ve worked in marketing and social media for companies for the last 12 years before it was even "trendy". I began marketing for a payroll company in California in 2012 and most recently, I have branched out into the crypto/blockchain/web 3 space as the Creative Director of Marketing to get the "crypto-curious" to hop on board with the future technology! I have been the Marketing Director of several start-up companies and recognize the hard work and dedication it takes to get a company off the ground! Within social media, I specialize in taking companies with ZERO social media presence to being online and having an engaged audience! We"re playing the long game here, creating marketing strategies in all digital areas that are worthwhile and last. Aside from that, I"ve created websites, analyzed KPI"s and ad results, written articles, managed email funnels, and so much more-- plus, I create some really witty memes. ;) I currently manage a small group of people making sure our creative and digital marketing are streamlined to maximize our potential! I believe my experience in various environments can help strengthen your marketing team and create a successful strategy for growth! I hope to hear from you and your team to schedule an interview.


Content CreatorMarketer



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Build a Team / Hire Talent