

A fullstack developer based out of Bangalore (originally from Trichy) who works full-time as a freelancer. I build web, mobile and voice apps for fun and money. https://linktr.ee/SaifurMohsin You can easily find me by simply googling my name “Saifur Rahman Mohsin” or just check out all my links on the link above. (Portfolio/Social media) I"ve been freelancing successfully for 7+ years. Feel free to connect with me on the social networks if you have queries related to programming or freelancing. I have taken over a dozen paid and free workshops for colleges and companies and given tech talks at Amazon"s Community Day, Google"s DevFest and several other tech conferences and forums. Disclaimer: Any opinions I present here are my own and do not reflect the values or beliefs of my startup, communities or my clientele.




App DevelopmentFreelanceTechnology

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