

25 years in contact center leadership and technology, as well as unified communications for companies ranging from 2 employees to 200,000. Always considering ways to bring web3 to the industries and technologies I know so well. Currently building an open team to develop a concept for web3 community / microeconomy / DAO for existing traditional businesses. As an example, think about a community for pet parents and the opportunity to build a self sustainable community with DAO templates for members to work together to create small businesses, support each other through collaboration, share feedback about products or companies, and of course gush about their pets. Reach out if you"re open to chatting, ideating, partnering etc - I"m here to learn and collaborate!


EntrepreneurConsultantBusiness Professional


TechnologyCrypto/BlockchainConsultingArtificial IntelligenceDAOs

Looking For

Meet new peopleBuild a Team / Hire TalentBuild community / Host events