HI my name is Stephanie Jennings and I am the owner of Rations for the Return Journey LLC. I write a blog (listed above!) and have two YouTube channels. My ultimate goal is to open a center in my home town of Springfield Ohio. Springfield is in desperate need of a center that is capable of providing addiction treatment, religious and spiritual services, legal consul as well as education to mothers and fathers who have lost their way due to drugs and need help learning how to live a normal life after suffering from a drug addiction and losing their children. 10 years ago that was me and there was no one that understood and I realized that no one was going to be able to do this except me, then I had to come out of the mud to grow and ultimately bloom into a lotus. Education was my best defense and many people could benefit from a place that offers all these services in tandem. I have a real passion for social media and using it for marketing as well as teaching others how to make money online and the job training I plan on offering will be almost completely internet based because our town could seriously benefit from updated job training.