My name is kisembo willy, from Uganda. I am 23 years old. I am a digital mall landlord , and I work with digital adverts ltd. Digital adverts ltd is a fin-tech company that was launched on 4th April 2021 . (covid 19 period) . This is the time most business across the world closed. Digital adverts ltd came with a solution to enable everyone be able to advertise his products from home. DIGITAL ADVERTS LTD APP, is solving problems in business through DlGITAL ADVERTISING DIGITAL SURGERY DIGITAL COMPANY PROFILING DIGITAL MALL DIGITAL SMART PAY AND SOON LAUNCH OTHER AMAZING PRODUCTS ALL TO AID BUSINESS. I joined this vision on 28th December 2021, and I have been able a acquire more skills in Digital world. And I have been a witness to the launch of all the products in existence. CURRENTLY DIGITAL ADVERTS LTD IS LEGALLY REGISTERED IN TWO COUNTRIES UGANDA AND KENYA. we have been able to register over 800000 people across the world. atleast in every country we have a registered member. Digital adverts ltd is Expanding to other countries legally the moment we register a country director . This is an opportunity to stand as a country director in your country. All networkers your most welcome to join me and we build the biggest Digital mall In the world. And don"t miss on becoming a landlord on Digital mall. Thank you 🙏.