Ogechi Uba

Product Manager

I was rejected a few days ago! I was given what Nigerians call 'a soft landing' rejection. I think my efforts and feelings were put into consideration so, I was not blatantly rejected. I was just not reached out to to proceed further. Last year, I started a learning journey that would have led to a somewhat global opportunity for me. Somewhere along the line, after the program got to the second phase, I was cut off from proceeding. I only just found out a few days ago that some persons had been reached out to to proceed to the final stage. And, I felt downcast. It felt like all hopes were lost. I wasn't even functioning for days because I tasted once again what it means to almost 'get...


I'm sorry for your opportunity loss. But as they say when one door closes, another one opens! Keep growing and glowing my friend!

Ogechi Uba

Product Manager

Thank you so much, Cheri!! I appreciate you!! 🤗