
Coach at CoachSadiq

šŸ’ø STOP selling & START servingā€¦ šŸ‘€ Read the caption consciously šŸ”½ Thereā€™s been a huge shift in the world we live in today with social media and virtual connections. The old way of ā€˜spammingā€™ sales script šŸ“§emails, šŸ“±messages, šŸ“žcalls and šŸ’»group posts no longer works effectively because people have learnt the art of ā€˜blocking & reportingā€™ those annoying, desperate peopleā€¦ Please donā€™t be one of them šŸ™šŸ™ˆ Instead of trying to hard ā€˜SELLā€™ your products or services with your clients & customersā€¦...

If youā€™re a spiritual or introverted entrepreneur who is struggling with anything I shared above, comment ā€˜COACH MEā€™ below if youā€™d like some deeper coaching & guidance towards building up that confidence to serve your clients & customers powerfully - Iā€™d love to serve & support you on your journey soon šŸ™