Austin Jackson

Founder at Harmony Software Engineering

Is anyone else sick of all the ads for new, magical, AI solutions? I am too. I USED to develop AI solutions for businesses, but around May of this year I noticed a change in public perspective. People started trusting AI companies less and less. I started noticing a HUGE drop in lead conversion, and then an even bigger drop in leads. My solution? I decided to make the biggest leap of my professional life, I started educating business owners. I crafted a program I call the Individual Learning Plan or ILP for short. This program starts with a process in which I guide business owners through their current workflow, pointing out areas that could be dramatically improved by implementing AI...

Ava Fore


I visited your website, Austin. The sphere seems interesting. However, I would tell that AI theme is hard to commercialize. Certainly, people needs to be more educated, but not many are ready to pay much for that. It seems that we might have some common themes to discuss - if you do not mind - PM/DM me.