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Rules & Guidelines

| Rules & Guidelines

Rules & Guidelines

These rules are to keep Entre:

  • High Quality

  • Spam-Free

  • Hate-Free

  • Safe

  • Informative

  • Educational

  • Professional

When you use Entre, you agree to abide by the following rules at all times. You also agree not to encourage others to violate these rules. Breaking the rules listed below can result in your account being suspended or permanently deleted. We take these rules very seriously.

We are dedicated to keeping this as a safe space to share, discuss, and learn about the topics of entrepreneurship, business, startups, investing, innovation, technology, finance, personal development, health, and wellness. If you create content that is not related to these topics, you are in violation of our community guidelines. There are other platforms to discuss non related topics so we encourage you to use those if you’d like to discuss something else.

If you see events, profiles, jobs, rooms, direct messages, and or any content that does not follow the rules listed below, please report it immediately.

  1. Spreading hateful content.

    1. Racism, sexism, anti semitism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia or other forms of hateful content are strictly prohibited.

  2. Harassing or bullying others.

  3. Threatening, inciting, or promote violence.

  4. Sharing harmful or shocking material:

    1. Depiction of severe physical violence.

    2. Promoting, organizing, depicting, or facilitating criminal activity.

    3. Depicting or promoting instructional weapon making, drug abuse, and threats of theft.

    4. Do not engage in or promote non-consensual sexually explicit content (e.g., revenge porn), escort services, prostitution, exploitation of children, or human trafficking.

    5. Do not share content or activities that promote or encourage suicide or any type of self-injury, including self-mutilation and eating disorders. If you see signs that someone may be considering self-harm, report it immediately.

  5. Posting terrorist content or promoting terrorism.

  6. Posting and/or Sharing content related to politics or religion.

  7. Sharing content containing sexually explicit material or language (some adult content may be allowed if the intent is clearly educational, medical, scientific, or artistic, and it’s not gratuitously graphic).

  8. Sharing, threatening to share, or incentivizing the sharing of other people's private information without their prior permission.

  9. Transcribing, recording, or otherwise reproducing and/or sharing information obtained in Entre without prior permission.

  10. Engaging in any conversations or uploading any content that violates any intellectual property or other proprietary rights.

  11. Spreading false information or spam, or artificially amplifying or suppressing information.

  12. Sharing or promoting information (or synthetic or manipulated media) that is intended or likely to cause harm to any person or groups of people, including minors.

  13. Using Entre for the purpose of conducting any unauthorized or illegal activities.

  14. Falsely reporting other accounts or content.

  15. Sharing junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing schemes, or any other scams.

If you witness a Rules violation, please follow the instructions here to report it.

Please note that some things reported will not be as blatantly obvious as a violation of the rules. These reports will be taken just as seriously, but will fall into a gray area in which the Entre team will always have full discretion on what actions are taken in response to the reported incidents.