Matthew Ellis

Freelancer at LearningScape

Job Aid Inside! At the Storyline City Convention Center, the staff is preparing to host an event for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing visitors, but they did not have experience with creating an accessible experience for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing attendees, as the Convention Center itself is brand-new, and so are most of the staff. The Convention Center Director contacted me to design an ILT experience for the event planners at the Convention Center, who, after receiving a more detailed breakdown in the in-person sessions over two days, received the following job aid as a quick cheat sheet for improving accessibility specifically for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people in the following...



It is important that everything becomes accessible to everyone. Also, for example, with subtitles (videos) and alt-text for images. I don't do that well enough myself. I am sorry. I will pay more attention to that.

Matthew Ellis


Instructional Designers and eLearning Developers have a focus on accessibility based on WCAG for electronic content. There are a few websites that give you a run down of how to improve accessibility.